I wasn’t always a peaceful parent.

I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and to wonder if maybe you just aren’t cut out for this parenting gig.

My firstborn was what you would call a high-needs baby. And things got harder the older he got. I found myself caught off-guard that parenting wasn’t naturally easy for me - I loved kids and had experience working with them (plus, I’d watched lots of episodes of The Supernanny so figured I was all set).

Like many, I started with traditional parenting (punishments, rewards, time-outs, etc) and then desperately wondered why it wasn’t working for my child…and why it didn’t feel “right” for me. I was exhausted, resentful, majorly angry, as well as struggling with PostPartum Depression. I found myself constantly dysregulated and wondered why nobody had prepared me for this or told me parenting would be this hard. It was a pretty dark time.

One day, after desperately googling something like, “how to get my child to stop hitting,” I stumbled upon Dr. Laura Markham and her website ahaparenting.com. In looking back, I can confidently say that this “stumble” changed my life and propelled my family in a new direction. I was thrilled I’d discovered ANOTHER way to parent - one that didn’t rely on harsh punishments, yelling, threats, and rewards and resulted in fabulous kids who were respectful, loving, emotionally intelligent and happy. It all just felt right… and from that day I’ve never looked back.

I’ll be honest, that doesn’t mean my parenting pivot was quick or easy. In fact, it’s the hardest work I’ve ever done. But, with support from a community of like-minded parents, it’s also been the most enlightening, the most freeing and the most significant of my life. As I witnessed the changes in my family, in my children’s behaviour, and mostly IN MYSELF, I knew I wanted to share this positive parenting philosophy (and all the scientific research that accompanies it) with other parents, to help them LOVE being parents again. Because if you aren’t enjoying your kids and experiencing joy from parenting (at least most of the time), what is the freaking point?? Yes there’s procreation but c’mon, there’s got to be more to it than that.

I’m confident I can help you rediscover the joy of parenting and help you with your kiddos’ most challenging behavior, regardless of how you’ve been parenting up to this point. Together, we will uncover your triggers, work on self-regulation and decipher the most effective ways to connect with your child so they WANT to follow your lead.

I’ve done this hard work myself and know what it takes to learn new skills and ways of being with your family, and how to stay on track to continue making progress. I also have direct experience in parenting a spirited, neurodivergent child with some extra needs.

Peaceful Parenting really did change my life and I’m confident it can change yours too. You have the power to transform your parenting - and in doing so, I bet you’ll transform every relationship in your life (including the one with yourself).

Here’s the thing…Peaceful Parenting is NOT about being a perfect parent, or about having a perfect child… 

Perfection is an unattainable and frankly uninspired goal of parenthood. We are MEANT to make mistakes, to stumble and learn and grow, right alongside our children.

It’s one of the SECRETS of becoming a parent - we are learning how to parent ourselves WHILE we parent our children.

And our little bundles of joy? Those sweet, infuriating little beings that we care for day in and day out…well, they are meant to be our greatest teachers.

Will they ever be perfect? Of course not! Because children will always act like children - it’s the one thing we CAN depend on.

But, with the SUPPORT of a parent coach we can stop being caught up in a cycle of resentment, of exhaustion, of frustration. The love and joy we experience will be increased, so we won’t take it personally or hold a grudge when our kids step out of line, as they will most certainly do from time to time.

And guess what? When we become more regulated and our connection with our children becomes stronger, THEY feel better and WE feel better and so they’re more likely to do as we ask, out of respect for the deep bond that we share.

It all starts to fall into place.

I would be honoured to walk with you on your parenting journey and help you bring more peace, joy and love into your family.


I am a Certified Parenting Coach & Educator, and have had the privilege of being trained directly by Dr. Laura Markham, a renowned child psychologist, author, respected educator and parenting coach. I’ve completed both a Parent Educator course as well as an intensive Parent Coach training program and my education is aways ongoing as I continue to learn more about: playful parenting, trauma, executive functioning, nature-based play and education, polyvagal theory, non-violent communication, anxiety, ADHD, OCD and co-parenting.

I’m also a writer with a BFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. Besides working as a parent coach, I’m also an arts administrator, a wife and busy Mama of two wonderful and wacky kiddos aged 8 and 11. I live on beautiful Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, Canada and when I’m not working, Mom-ing, or learning more about the science behind peaceful parenting, you can find me gardening, singing in our local choir or hiking or wandering in nature.