Parent Coaching

Investing in parent coaching is an investment in your family, your happiness and your children’s development and well-being.

Let’s face it, all parents need help from time to time. Many of us feel ashamed when we hit parenting roadblocks - embarassed by our children’s behavior (or our own!) and uncomfortable talking about it even with close family and friends. So often it can feel like nobody understands.

And there is nothing natural (or easy) about parenting without support in our fast-paced, modern world. We barely have time to catch our breath, let alone solve parenting challenges on our own! I believe we were never meant to raise children like this, without the proverbial “village” to back us up and provide the support, advice and guidance that we all so desperately need.

This is where parent coaching comes in. I’m here to provide that listening ear, that advice, support and guidance that you DESERVE. I would be honoured to be part of your “village”!

Introductory Session

1 hr 30 min

Best for a single parenting issue or an introduction to Peaceful Parenting. Includes recording of video session and a brief email summary of the discussion.

$150 CAD

Starter Package 1: Three Session Package *

1 hr 30 min Intro Session and two 1 hr sessions

A great start for problem solving your biggest parenting challenge and going deeper into Peaceful Parenting. Includes recordings of video sessions and a brief email summary of each session’s discussions.

*Recommended. Good bang for your buck!

$334 CAD

Starter Package 2: Six Session Package*

1 hr 30 min Intro Session and five 1 hr sessions

A deeper dive into Peaceful Parenting and solving several of your biggest parenting challenges. We can get a lot accomplished with this package! Includes recording of video sessions and a brief email summary of each session’s discussions.

*Recommended. Excellent bang for your buck!

$604 CAD

Single Sessions

1 hr

For those who have already completed an Introductory Session or a Session Package. Includes recording of video session and a brief email summary of the discussion.

$130 CAD

I want my services to be available to a wide range of parents and caregivers, from all backgrounds and income levels. If finances are an issue but you are in need of coaching support, please contact me to discuss a sliding scale rate structure.

Give your children the best of you…not what’s left of you.