Photo by Hannah Spray Photography
Meghan Howcroft
Coach & Educator
Resolving problems AND putting the joy back into parenting.
Parenting is the toughest job there is. But it’s not meant to be all work and no reward. I’m here to help you solve your biggest parenting dilemmas and rediscover the JOY - so you can treasure the time on this wild and crazy parenting ride.
Photo by Hannah Spray Photography
Overwhelmed by your child’s behavior?
You’re not alone.
Not sure how to parent your kiddo who’s just “more” in every way?
I’ve been there.
Feel like traditional parenting, with rewards & punishments, just isn’t working with your kids…and doesn’t feel right for you?
Don’t I know it!
Wish you could enjoy being a parent and delight in your children (even just SOME of the time)?
You can!
Peaceful Parenting can provide the way forward - I’d be honoured to help you on this transformative parenting journey.
Did you know…
research shows that delighting in your child is a pivotal factor in determining whether they will grow up to be happy, healthy, resilient and secure?
If you aren’t currently feeling much “delight” in your kids, please don’t worry. We can change that together! If you’re exhausted, overwhelmed, fed-up, resentful and wondering why this parenting gig is so darned hard? You are NOT alone. So many of us have been there (myself included) and regularly beat ourselves up that we’re not naturally better at this.
But here’s the thing…
We do better when we know better.
I’m here to help you learn a different way of parenting - one that is relationship-based, backed by the latest scientific research (yay!), is incredibly effective and proven to raise kids who are happier, healthier and more successful in all aspects of their life.
And you know what?
Happy Kids = Happy Parents (and vice versa)
Whether you’re currently dealing with:
sibling squabbles
social/friendship issues
screen-time battles
sleep issues
school concerns
aggressive behavior
yelling (by you OR your kids)
or if you just want your kids to LISTEN to you, for crying out loud
Rest assured, whatever the issue, we can turn this thing around.
I’m committed to understanding your specific situation because I know that you’re not just raising “a child,” you’re raising “your child” and every single one is unique.
Peaceful Parenting really did change my life…and I’m confident it can change yours too!
Here’s how I can help:
Referring back to the latest neuroscience (to better understand WHY kids do the maddening things they do), I’ll provide you with effective tools to get you and your child (of any age) back on track and strengthen your precious relationship. We’ll build a roadmap to get you where you want to be and I’ll provide you with step-by-step guidance to stay on course and reach your goals.
During our sessions (over Zoom) I’ll provide a warm space where you can feel safe, understood and totally accepted just as you are - with zero shame or blame for your parenting up until this point. I will listen with my whole heart. Sometimes we may cry together but I promise we’ll also laugh!
Photo by Hannah Spray Photography
I’m also here to help with any co-parenting challenges and aim to provide an inclusive space for BIPOC parents, single parents, step-parents, adoptive parents and LGBTQ+ parents. And for all you parents out there with neurodivergent kiddos, or those with other special needs, please know you have a special place in my heart. And yes, this kind of parenting “works” for these kids too. Everyone is welcome here!
Last but not least, I’ll support you in learning (or improving) self-regulation, how to better connect with your child, and how to coach them to be their best selves, all of which will help resolve your most frustrating parenting issues AND strengthen your bond so your child is more willing to follow your lead.
Sound like a worthy endeavour?
You deserve support. You deserve happiness. You deserve to experience the sweetness and joy of parenting.
After all, that’s what makes it all worthwhile.
3 Big Ideas of Peaceful Parenting
Parents must learn to regulate themselves first, so they can help their children through tough moments.
Instead of focusing on correction, use connection (the magic wand of Peaceful Parenting!).
Use loving guidance instead of punishments and consequences.
“skills, experience and a compassionate presence…”
(in-person) sessions
Salt Spring Island, BC
Saturday, October 19th, 2024
10am - 1pm
Sign up for majorly helpful parenting tips, upcoming offerings and more.
PS: I hate getting bogged down with dozens of useless emails and am guessing you do too - that’s why I’ll only send you what I think will be truly valuable info to support you on your parenting journey.